Excursion Etna et

Nos excursions sur l’Etna et le Stromboli

D’une passion aussi grande que nos bien-aimés volcans, nous avons créé notre travail.

Chaque jour, nous emmenons des touristes et des passionnés à visiter les merveilles cachées entre l’Etna et Stromboli.

Si vous souhaitez vous joindre à nous et visiter les merveilles des volcans actifs en Sicile, vous trouverez ici toutes les meilleurs excursions sur l'Etna et le Stromboli

Patrizia Vincenzino
Patrizia Vincenzino
Bivaccare sull'Etna è davvero qualcosa fuori dall'ordinario che ti rimane dentro!
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Semplicemente perfetti in tutto: organizzazione, comunicazione, attrezzatura...ed il paesaggio ci ha lasciati veramente incantati avendo trascorso una notte sotto i crateri preceduta da un magico tramonto e dall'alba del giorno dopo.
Ruhi Al Jawwad
Ruhi Al Jawwad
I highly recommend Ashara Volcanological Guides!
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We had a fantastic experience with Ashara Volcanological Guides during our entire hiking tour. Our guide Massimo was one of the best guides that I've ever had. Not only was he friendly and funny but also extremely knowledgeable on both scientific and historical facts about Mount Etna and volcanoes in general. He made sure that we stayed safe (things can go south pretty easily) and made sure that everyone was part of the group.
Carolin V
Carolin V
Unforgettable volcano show
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Even if the slope of the hike is steep at times (take hiking poles if you are not too athletic), the landscapes are really beautiful. We were rewarded at the top (at an intermediate level for safety reasons, because of the 2019 summer eruption) with a splendid sunset and the fascinating spectacle of the volcano explosions. An unforgettable experience !! Giuseppe was a very interesting and friendly guide.

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*Offerta Valida fino al 31 ottobre salvo restrizioni